Our next meeting will be held at Alderminster Village Hall (& on Zoom) on Tuesday 1st April, 2025 at 7:30pm. This will be a club night with observing topics, monthly sky notes, multimedia, astronomical chat and observing the skies (weather permitting).
Observing Prospects for the United Kingdom Tonight.
Our meetings are hybrid meetings - you can visit us in person
or you can join us online on Zoom, please check the schedule of meetings.
If you are interested in astronomy, The Stratford upon Avon Astronomical Society
is for you! Our members range from people with a casual interest in the subject
to serious amateurs and professionals. You don't need any specialist knowledge
to join, nor do you need to own a telescope.
We normally meet twice a month at the splendid village hall in Alderminster,
a few miles south of Stratford
[details & map].
On the first Tuesday of each month, we have a club night covering
topics oriented around observational astronomy. On the third Tuesday of each
month we have a talk by a visiting guest speaker, usually a professional astronomer.
Details of our next meeting are listed at the top of the page. For complete information
about upcoming events, check the Schedule of Meetings section.
If you're interested, simply turn up to one of our meetings. There's no need to book. Visiting is free,
and there's absolutely no pressure to join. If you do want to join now, go to https://membermojo.co.uk/stratfordastro.
For travel directions and more information, go to the
About the Society section. If you have any questions,
don't hesitate to Contact us.
Visit our Facebook page:
Meeting Dates & Location
| |  | | We meet on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month at Alderminster Village Hall see more... |
| |
| | | | Tuesday 1st April, 2025 - Club Night Tuesday 15th April, 2025 - Talk Tuesday 6th May, 2025 - Club Night Tuesday 20th May, 2025 - Talk see full schedule... |
For older news items, see the News